2020-12-01 4 min read

ETH Study Materials

Welcome to my collection of ETH Zürich study materials. As a former tutor at ETH, I've created resources for two Computer Science courses in the Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering bachelor programs. I have since finished my studies and left ETH Zürich, but I'm archiving these documents here.

Informatik 1

Informatik 1 is a foundational course in C++ programming for first-year bachelor students in Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering at ETH Zürich. This course introduces students to the basics of programming, algorithms, and problem-solving using C++.

Study Videos for Informatik 1

These study videos, recorded by EE4ETH, condense the 10 most important topics of the lecture into several short Youtube videos.

Full Playlist

Weekly Exercise Sessions for Informatik 1

Exercise Slides I've created for Spring Semester 2019. These slides were used in weekly exercise sessions to reinforce C++ concepts and provide hands-on coding practice.

  • Exercise 1 (Web / Pdf) - Main Funktion, Integer Division, Expressions
  • Exercise 2 (Web / Pdf) - Vergleiche, Präzedenz, Loop
  • Exercise 3 (Web / Pdf) - Fliesskomma Zahlen, Scopes, Loops
  • Exercise 4 (Web / Pdf) - Fliesskomma Zahlen, Funktionen
  • Exercise 5 (Web / Pdf) - Pre-/Post-Conditions, Funktionen, Stepwise Refinment
  • Exercise 6 (Web / Pdf) - Vectors, Chars, Const, References
  • Exercise 7 (Web / Pdf) - 2D-Vectors, Recursive Functions
  • Exercise 8 (Web / Pdf) - Pre-/Infix, EBNF
  • Exercise 9 (Web / Pdf) - Structs, Operator Overloading
  • Exercise 10 (Web / Pdf) - Klassen, Headerfiles, Pointers, New/Delete
  • Exercise 11 (Web / Pdf) - Nullpointer, Container, Iteratoren, Linked List
  • Exercise 12 (Web / Pdf) - Destuctor-, Assignment- & Copy Operator, Prüfungstipps

PVK for Informatik 1

This exam preparation workshop condenses the entire semester's material into a comprehensive one-day review.

Informatik 2

Informatik 2 is the second-semester programming course for Electrical Engineering bachelor students at ETH Zürich. This course focuses on Java and object-oriented programming principles, building upon the foundational knowledge from Informatik 1.

Weekly Exercise Sessions for Informatik 2

These slides were used in wueekly exercise sessions to explore Java concepts and object-oriented programming techniques.

  • Exercise 1 (Web / Pdf) - Java Intro, Altägyptische Multiplikation
  • Exercise 2 (Web / Pdf) - Bäume, Recursive Sort
  • Exercise 3 (Web / Pdf) - String/StringBuffer, Syntaxdiagramme, Programmverifikation
  • Exercise 4 (Web / Pdf) - Ackermann Funktion, Bytecode, Stacks
  • Exercise 5 (Web / Pdf) - Call by Reference, Pakete, Linked List
  • Exercise 6 (Web / Pdf) - Klassen, Polymorphie, Factories
  • Exercise 7 (Web / Pdf) - Generics, Spielbäume, Reversi
  • Exercise 8 (Web / Pdf) - Binäre Suche, Backtracking
  • Exercise 9 (Web / Pdf) - Minimax, Alpha-Beta, Reversi
  • Exercise 10 (Web / Pdf) - Divide and conquer, Hanoi, Mergesort
  • Exercise 11 (Web / Pdf) - Laufzeitkomplexität
  • Exercise 12 (Web / Pdf) - Heaps, Paralleles Programmieren

PVK for Informatik 2

This exam preparation workshop condenses the entire semester's material into a comprehensive one-day review.